Policies and Procedures

Standing Orders and Financial Regulations

The Parish Council must operate under certain procedures which are defined by legislation. These have been adopted by the Council and are set out in the Council's Standing Orders and Financial Regulations which can be seen in the Parish Office and in the "Standing Orders" and Financial Regulations documents in the right hand column. 

Code of Conduct

When Councillors become Councillors, they must sign a declaration of acceptance of office, which includes an undertaking to adhere to the Code of Conduct. The Parish Council adopted a revised Code in February 2013, a copy of which can be downloaded in the right hand column.

Any complaints regarding the conduct of Councillors should be made in writing and addressed to Mathew Buckley, Monitoring Officer, East Riding of Yorkshire Council, County Hall, Beverley, East Yorkshire HU17 9BA or e-mailed to standards@eastriding.gov.uk. Complaint forms are available but the complaint must detail the contact details of the person making the complaint, the name of the person being complained about, of which Council they are a member and a description of the conduct complained of. 

Complaints regarding administration or procedures

The Parish Council has also adopted a Complaints Procedure which is followed whenever the Parish Council receives a complaint about its own administration and procedures and this can be obtained from the Clerk to the Council or by downloading from the right hand column of this page.

Freedom of Information

The Parish Council also has a duty to routinely publish information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The new Model Publication Scheme has been adopted by the Parish Council and can be seen by contacting the Clerk to the Council. The Guide to Information describes what information can be routinely accessed, where the information can be found, how to go about getting the information and whether there are charges involved. 

 Allotments Complaints Procedure

On 19 July 2012 the Parish Council approved a Complaints Procedure to be used in the event of any disputes between the tenants of the Parish Council owned Allotments.   A copy of the procedure can be downloaded in the right hand column.

Emergency Plan and Snow Clearance Emergency Plan

The Parish Council has approved an Emergency Plan and a Snow Clearance Emergency Plan, copies of which can be downloaded in the right hand column.

Let's Get Ready for an Emergency

The East Riding of Yorkshire Council has published a new booklet on planning for emergencies.   To download a copy use this link http://www.letsgetready.org.uk or use the link in the right hand column.