Latest News

Friday 20th March 

Given the ongoing situation as of 23/3/20 local bus services will be revised. Please see below the press release from EY Buses:

Coronavirus update:

temporary changes to East Yorkshire bus services

From Monday 23 March, in response to the coronavirus pandemic, bus company East Yorkshire will be temporarily changing their timetables.

Most services will run to a Sunday timetable, but with extra early morning journeys to allow workers to travel. Routes which don’t normally have Sunday buses will also have a special timetable.

East Yorkshire’s schedulers are currently working around the clock to get these services planned so that they can cover as many parts of the region as possible. As soon as the company have the new timetables confirmed, they will publish them at, through social media, and on the East Yorkshire Buses app. Until then, please be patient – the information is being prepared as fast as possible. It is hoped that they will be available to view on the website from Friday afternoon.

Please don’t panic – every route will still have a service, but at a reduced frequency reflecting reduced demand and resources.

Bus stop real-time predictions on the company's website and app may not work straight away, as the information takes a while to update. However, the bus tracker should be accurate in showing the bus locations on a map.

Most other bus companies around the country are also reducing their service, so if you also use other operator’s buses, please check their information too, to see how they are amending their services.

Ben Gilligan, East Yorkshire’s Area Director, said: “Thank you to all our passengers for your understanding during this unique situation – we are doing our best to continue to run as good a service as we can, for as long as we can.”

Those who don't have internet access can ring BusLine on 01482 592929, to find the new times. Please only ring BusLine if you have no online access, as they are expected to be very busy, and need to keep lines clear for people who cannot look at the timetables online. BusLine will not have the timetables until Friday afternoon, as they are still being prepared, so please do not ring them until then - they cannot give out any information about next week's times until the scheduling work is finished.


Issued by

Claire Robinson, Marketing Manager, East Yorkshire

20 March 2020



Tuesday 17th March Coronavirus update

Given the announcement by the Government made on the evening of the 16th March we have decided to close the office to the public until further notice.

You can still contact us via telephone or email.

If you are willing to volunteer to assist vulnerable people affected by the crisis, or you need assistance, please get in touch


Monday 16th March Coronavirus and CCTV


Cottingham Parish Council holds its monthly Full Parish & Finance Committee meetings on the third Thursday of the month, excluding August and December.

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday 19th March 2020 at 7pm.

In the interests of transparency, Parish Council meetings are open to members of the public however Councillors can agree to exclude the public if necessary. Normally this would only happen if the Council were discussing staffing issues or other sensitive matters.

Given the demographics of our Councillors, our staff, and Cottingham as a whole, the Council does not believe it is prudent to conduct a meeting, which would last at least two hours in quite a confined space, with the public present and, therefore, intends to move to exclude the public at the start of the meeting. Whilst technically the meeting is still open to the public up until that point, we would appreciate your cooperation in not attending.

Unfortunately, we cannot simply postpone the meeting as both day to day decisions and decisions regarding the ongoing coronavirus situation need to be made.

The agenda for the meeting can be found here and minutes from the meeting will be made available as soon as possible. If you would like to raise any points regarding agenda items please contact the office.

The office remains open to the public Monday-Thursday 10am – 3pm and Friday 10am – 12pm though this is subject to change.



Cottingham Parish Council is aware that the village CCTV system is in need of upgrading and has set aside a considerable percentage of its yearly budget to achieve this.

However, when dealing with public money certain procedures have to be followed which can take time. This has been exacerbated by logistical issues outside of our control regarding relocation of the CCTV control room. This relocation means we are not just replacing old cameras for new but also have to replace the existing infrastructure that goes with the cameras once a suitable location for a new control room could be found.

In order to make the best of the unexpected delay regarding the control room, we decided to hold further consultations with Humberside Police who, as the end user of the system, have a greater understanding of the CCTV needs of the village than the Parish Council. It was agreed that Humberside Police would undertake a survey, in conjunction with a CCTV company, to identify both the current and future needs of the village. This survey took place on the week commencing 2nd March and the Parish Council are currently awaiting the results of this survey which will then be put out to tender.

We are somewhat dismayed by the posts on social media made by the COTTAC group on Saturday 14th March. Cottingham Parish Council have endeavoured to work closely with COTTAC wherever possible, have devoted large amounts of time to crime issues in our monthly meetings, and facilitated the organisation of the Community Resilience meeting that took place in the Civic Hall on Thursday 6th February. A representative of COTTAC contacted the Parish Council on the evening of the 24th February requesting an update and one was provided the next day. This was substantively the same as the current situation other then the survey by Humberside Police has now taken place. The Parish Council is happy to provide updates to anyone contacting the office during normal office hours or via email.

We fully understand, and indeed share, the frustrations of the villagers regarding crime and anti-social behaviour in Cottingham but we do have rules and regulations that we must follow.






Please find a link that explains, in detail, more information about Cottingham Parish Council and what we are involved in.  Click here to access



Parish Councillor, Kevin Casson came up with the idea of using the names of Servicemen and women who have been killed in battle and are associated with Cottingham for future street naming.  We would like to honour those who sacrificed their lives.

Most of the fallen servicemen and women are already remembered by the plaques which are situated on the Memorial Gardens but he felt, along with fellow Parish Councillors, that this would be a fitting tribute.

We would like to put the names of the fallen into a name bank for any of Cottingham's future street naming.  All surnames which are on the Memorial Garden plaques will be forwarded to the East Riding of Yorkshire Council for future use.  However, if you would like their full name to be used, we do need permission.  We would, therefore, request that you give your consent in writing and address it to Cllr Kevin Casson, Parish Council Office, 9 The Cottages, Market Green, Cottingham.  HU16 5QG.



From time to time residents may feel it necessary to complain to the Parish Council who take all complaints very seriously and welcome the opportunity to respond.   This is only possible if complainants provide their name, address and contact details.   Anonymous complaints cannot be investigated or replied to and anonymous complaints simply cannot be actioned.   The Parish Council has a Complaints Procedure, details of which are available on this website under "Council News - Policies/Procedures" or from the Parish Council offices.   The Parish Council is here to listen to you.


One of the many problems raised with the Council office staff is that of overhanging vegetation which causes problems to walkers.   It is difficult to push a pram on a narrow path when you are having to move branches aside;  sometimes people have to move on to the road to get past a particular overgrown specimen.   If you could all just take a look at your property boundaries from the viewpoint of someone walking past, especially if your property backs on to a snicket or footpath, and, if necessary, cut back  any overhanding foliage, it would be greatly appreciated.


The East Riding of Yorkshire Council has sent a press release about the planned repairs to potholes in roads in the East Riding.   Click here to read the full details.


Please be aware that the non-emergency telephone number for Humberside Police is now simply 101 at a flat rate cost of 15 pence per call.   This is a national change of telephone number for non-emergency calls.

The police have noticed an increase in theft from insecure motor vehicles in the area, including vehicles parked on private driveways.   Please keep vehicles locked whenever they are unattended, even when parked up at home.


If, like us, you are fed up of the excessive time that the level crossing barriers are down, causing a huge build up of  traffic at various times throughout the day and night in Cottingham, please add your voice to ours and write to Network Rail at the address shown below.   Perhaps if enough people complain they may do something about the problems:

Community Relations Team, Network Rail, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9AG. 


Once again we would like to ask all of you who own dogs - please pick up after them!   We probably receive more complaints about the dog fouling in the snickets and pathways leading to schools in the village than for any other topic.   The law requires all dogs to have a collar and tag and owners can be fined £75 if they fail to clean up after their dog.   You know who you are so please stop leaving your dog fouling on our pavements.

 The Parish Council provides biodegradable doggy bags to Cottingham residents through the Parish Council Office and the KGV Sports Pavilion.   All you have to do is call in and ask.

 There are certain areas where dogs must be kept on a lead, such as cemeteries, and there are other areas where owners are not allowed to take their dogs, such as some beaches in the summer.





If you see anyone defacing property or causing damage, please report it to Humberside Police either by telephoning 101 or by e-mail (with photograph if possible) to       You can also use the form at "contact us" on

Many thanks to those unpaid volunteers who carry out unofficial cleanups round the village!