Parish Council News

Our Parish Council News section provides information on what the Council is responsible for, the services the Council provides and its functions:

  • Allotments

  • Cottingham Community Plan

  • Council Sites

  • Councillors

  • Financial Information

  • Meetings/Committees

  • Minutes

  • Policies/Procedures

More information for each of the above headings can be found by clicking of the appropriate link on the left hand side of this page.

We feel that our duty as a Parish Council is to provide such information to all our residents and, by sharing this information, our residents can work with us to improve our community spirit. 


The Annual Parish Meeting was held on Thursday 21 May 2015 and was attended by three parishioners.   The Chairman of the Parish Council, Councillor Ann Abel, presented her Review of the Year 2014 - 15 as follows:

"Good Evening and welcome to the Annual Parish Meeting and a review of what the Parish Council has been involved with over the past year. I hope that we as a Parish Council have helped to ensure that Cottingham will continue to be a happy and safe place to live.


Finance has to be obtained for us to operate as a Council and this is done through the precept process of requesting monies as an element of the Council Tax collected by East Riding Council. We are responsible for spending this money, of which we are custodians, wisely but at the same time hopefully benefiting organisations in the village through the grant process. The precept asked for was £110k. Administration costs for the office including staff salaries are taken from this money as is the running and upkeep of the CCTV system making Cottingham a safer place to live. Doggie Bags are provided free of charge to encourage dog owners to pick up after their pets and with our extra Litter bins also, we are helping to keep our Cottingham streets clean. Salt bins and refilling schedules are provided for winter safety. Tree planting and flowers for the many tubs in and around the village are village enhancements.

New flower trees have been purchased with a further two planned for next year. Many projects are undertaken to enhance our village and money is set aside for what is known as Capital Projects, suggestions can come from residents or Councillors. The more serious side of monies set aside is the footway lighting and the ongoing Neighbourhood Plan but the list goes on.

Grant Applications

Over the past year a total of £9983.00 has been granted to help organisations within our village. There were the usual grants made to the three sections of the Christmas Lights which this year saw the purchase of more features to enhance the already excellent display in the run up to Christmas and replace many displays with more eco-friendly bulbs.

There were three grants to the Humberside Police for the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, a Twilight Football Project and a Rock Climbing Project, all for the benefit of the local children.

Also although not a village organisation but a village event, the Annual Springboard Festival was given a grant which helped towards a successful festival which saw the pubs full of people enjoying music played by various singers, groups and bands. Again putting Cottingham on the map.

Smaller grants were made to the Cottingham Golf Junior Club for a Practice Facility and the Cottingham Cricket Club for Wicket Covers.

This year we were approached by the Cottingham Future Action Group for funding to purchase bulbs to be planted along the Cottingham verges entrances.


Cottingham continues to be a prime location for developers with approval having been given for the following:

1.         Twinacres Nurseries site, Castle Road – approval for 125 houses. (reduced from 144 in the original   


2.         Residential development on NHS land, Castle Road – outline planning approval for up to 188 houses.

Currently there decisions pending on:

1.         Up to 88 houses on land at and north of 64 Park Lane, Cottingham – awaiting more information from agents

            before it goes to ERYC Planning Committee for a decision.

2.         Up to 100 dwellings on land at Endike Filling Station, Endyke Lane – still awaiting more information from

            agents before it goes to ERYC Planning Committee for a decision.

         3.         Up to 100 houses on land off Harland Way.

Cottingham Day

What can we say but magnificent; a wet start did nothing to dampen our spirits. The village as usual was buzzing with activity, propelled along by members of the Cottingham Day committee including councillors, co-opted non-parish council members, the clerk, deputy clerk and volunteers, all making sure everything was in place and to whom we give thanks for their time and effort which makes this special day such a success. The sun came out and so did the people in their thousands once again achieving high profile advertising for our village. Here's to another sunny success on the 4th July 2015.


We still have a waiting list which highlights the success and popularity of the allotments. Regular inspections of the plots ensure that they are kept in a good working order. Each inspected plot is scored from 1 to 10 given for low to high maintenance of the plot. Consultation is made with the Allotments Association who will consult with the tenant that the Parish Council have maintenance issues with, to ensure ongoing better upkeep.

A new water meter has been installed making it easier to give and check meter readings: the previous one was in such poor condition making it almost impossible to read.

The realignment of the central road width running through the allotments is still work in progress but many of the allotment holders have now acted by moving fences to adhere to measurements that we required. As stated last year, this was highlighted by a plot holder who needed an ambulance called to the site after an incident on his plot and the width being inconsistent in places.

High Street Funding

A working party consisting of Ward Councillors, Parish Councillors and a representative from ERYC has been working toward obtaining a grant of £10k to create a smarter image for the village. Working in conjunction with David Hickling from the Neighbourhood Plan, ideas have been put forward for new signage and suggestions are being considered for the refurbishment of two shops to use as an example.  They will be asked to 'match fund' any offer made by the working party to refurbish their shop frontage and hopefully others will follow suit.

Emergency Plan

Sadly, flooding in June/July 2014 in various parts of Cottingham highlighted the need for quick local response. Many Parish Councillors were involved answering phone calls from residents who were unable to contact Yorkshire Water or East Riding Yorkshire Council but needed reassurance that they would be helped. Our own Emergency Plan is complete with all the necessary equipment required obtained and stored safely but with easy access for key holders.

Neighbourhood Plan

The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group held 10 workshops over the summer of 2014.  The workshops allowed residents to discuss what they would like to see on land that ERYC had put forward for development in Cottingham in the ERYC draft Local Plan.  Each workshop resulted in a Concept Statement which now form part of the draft Neighbourhood Plan.

The draft Neighbourhood Plan will be put out for public consultation over a six week period in the summer 2015 and members of the public will be invited to submit their comments to the Parish Council.

Eppleworth Cemetery

After discussions during the year regarding the state of repair of the small chapel and toilets, the Parish Council had proposed taking this on as a Capital Project. However ERYC has decided to undertake the work to enable the building to be used by the public.

Social Evening

Booked in 2014 for June, and a first for us to hold the event in the summer months, due to the hall being booked by other organisations. It was a change to have it when people could walk down in daylight and enjoy the warmth of an evening. It was a success again.

Keldgate Road

After long delays the Gating Order was granted and last summer bollards were fitted to restrict access.

Car Parking Charges

This issue is still on the back burner but we must always be alert and be prepared for any changes that are proposed from East Riding Council leading to charges for our village car parks.

Youth Rep

We welcomed our new youth rep Aaron Sonley from Cottingham High School but sadly due to personal reasons he could not continue in the role but the Parish Council thanked him for his interest shown. Unfortunately there were no more applicants.

A big thank you must again go to Councillor Knight for looking after our flower tubs, plants and shrubs in and around the village. We all know we will have magnificent blooms when we see Win (have water will travel) wandering the village pulling her water carrier.

I have tried to reprise what the Parish Council has been involved with in 2014/15 the above shows the many tasks undertaken by all our Councillors and once again I hope this review reminds everyone of how we have endeavoured to support the interest of the Cottingham villagers.

Finally I would like to thank all councillors for your support as Chair of Cottingham Parish Council.





Councillor Ann Abel


Cottingham Parish Council

21 May 2015"