

Cottingham Wild Spaces Group are enthusiasts who love our village, they give of their time and efforts as volunteers freely. They have been busy for over 20 years tending, planting and cleaning up our wild spaces. They keep it looking natural, with the eyes of garden planners who want it to look as if it "just happened". You can see the evidence of their work around Station Walk and on the Station platforms. The Group pick up rubbish from litter louts and plastic bags from dirty dog owners who feel they can just bag it and drop it!. The most heinous are people who steal plants knowing they have been placed there by the Group. Please come and join the Wild Spaces Group. You will be made most welcome. Contact the Chairman on tel. no. 01482 841967 who will be very pleased of another pair of hands combined with enough energy to dig for Cottingham.


The Cottingham Evening Townswomen's Guild was formed in 1958 and meets at 7.30pm on the third Wednesday in the month in the "Small Hall" of the Darby & Joan Hall in Finkle Street. (Please note that no meeting is held in August and that the December meeting is on Second Wednesday).

During the year we have a sponsored walk for our chosen charity and we have days out to places of interest, luncheons, theatre etc.

New members and visitors are always welcome. For more information please ring Eileen on 01482 845426.

Our Speakers for the 2016 - 2017 year are:

20 April 2016 Philip Walker You Couldn't Make it Up - Teacher's Anecdotes
18 May 2016 Vicky Cole Health & Wellbeing
15 June 2016 Brooklands Photographic Society Audio Visual Sequences
20 July 2016 John Bailey North Yorkshire Moors Railway
August 2016   No Meeting
21 September 2016   Social Evening
19 October 2016 Alan Lavender, MBE Premiers and Christmas at No.10
16 November 2016 Judy, Sugar and Spice Cake Decorating Demonstration
14 December 2016   Charity Cheque Presentation & Social Evening
18 January 2017 Marilyn Walker The Forgotten Country House
15 February 2017 Paul Schofield Six Hull Personailities
15 March 2017   Annual General Meeting
19 April 2017 Philip Walker On Foot on the Inca Trail



Cottingham Women's Institute meet once a month (except August), on the second Tuesday, at 10am to 12 noon in the Methodist Church, Hallgate, Cottingham.   As well as speakers, our members enjoy theatre trips, walks, visits and outings to regional attractions and events, lunches in local restaurants and cafes, a book club and a "knit n natter" group.   The opportunity to try new experiences or perhaps learn a new craft are the key attractions of the WI - so come along and join us.   All ages very welcome.  

For further information please contact Sheila Longbone (Secretary and Vice President) on



Music Time playgroups/baby groups/toddler groups across the East Riding of Yorkshire Coucil area introduce basic music skills, singing skills and social skills to pre-schoolers, babies, toddlers and young children with their parents, carers and/or childminders in a relaxed educational and stimulating one hour local playgroups, led by professional musicians, through interactive music-making and singing.   These local music-making classes/singing sessions are ideal for babies and toddlers up to 4 years old.

For more information click HERE.